Out & About in the Biosphere
Outdoor Learning Workshops and Activities

It has become increasingly apparent that outdoor learning is hugely important to learners in order to provide alternative settings to the classroom, resulting in a different range of experiences and activities. It is a sad fact that todays children spend less time outdoors than ever before, roughly 50% of the time outdoors than their parents did. However, research has shown that outdoor play leads to mentally and physically stronger, filter children, increasing confidence and reducing stress.
This part of the pack concerns opportunities for outdoor learning which cross all curriculum areas, and is split into four sections.
Section 1: Indoor Activities Linked to Outdoor Learning
A selection of classroom activities which can be directly linked to going outside, whether for gathering materials, data or simply having discussion outdoors instead of inside. One activity discusses the value we put on resources and encourages children to put themselves in someone else's shoes. The cards for this activity can be downloaded below.
Section 2: Opportunities for Outdoor Learning within Walking Distance
A selection of activities which can be carried out within school grounds or nearby e.g. a community woodland, and which involve a longer time spent outdoors.
Section 3: Day Trips in the Galloway and South Ayrshire Biosphere
This sections detail a selection of day trips within the Biosphere. Some are ranger-led trips, and some may be currently unavailable, but also included are trips which can be teacher-led with no outside contact. Please phone the contact numbers provided and adhere to current Covid-19 guidance.
Section 4: Further Opportunities and Contacts
Included in this section are other opportunities for outdoor learning not covered elsewhere in this resource. There are loads of organisations who provide outdoor learning opportunities as part of their remit.