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Biosphere Explorers 3 Begins

Carys Mainprize

Crichton Carbon Centre is delighted to announce that the Biosphere Explorers education project has been funded for a third time, allowing the climate education and outdoor learning resources to be shared with new schools. We would like to thank our funders Galloway Glens Landscape Partnership and Blackcraig Wind Farm Community Fund, administered by Foundation Scotland, for making this possible.

Spotting a frog in the woods during a Biosphere Explorers 2 Summer event.

The Galloway and Southern Ayrshire Biosphere in which many of us live, work, or visit regularly is a place of internationally important wildlife and natural habitats. It is a place of wonder and beauty, and a fantastic opportunity to build connections to our natural world.

Connecting young people with nature is the foundation of future climate action. More young people than ever before are experiencing eco-anxiety and apathy. To face these twin challenges alongside the climate crisis our young people must have a good understanding of climate change, biodiversity, and sustainability – and feel that they can take climate action.

Biosphere Explorers aims to reconnect P5-7s with the local natural environment through a series of workshops and outdoor lessons, using the Galloway & Southern Ayrshire Biosphere as a focus for learning about the issues which affect us all.

The two booklets included in the Biosphere Explorers resource packs.

With this new round of funding we will be able to expand the project’s original geographical area to include new schools, who will benefit from loans of our Biosphere Explorers resource packs full of activities and lessons about the natural world. The packs are also available digitally through Crichton Carbon Centre’s website for schools throughout the Biosphere and region – visit:

Carys Mainprize, CCC’s Education Officer, said:

"We’re delighted that this fantastic project can continue and engage with more schools. We hope this expansion will help embed the legacy of Biosphere Explorers and the brilliant resource packs which are available digitally or on loan, and will remain available beyond the project.”

Jan Hogarth, Galloway Glens Education & Community Engagement Officer added:

The work of the team at Crichton Carbon Centre is at the forefront of Climate Change Action through their landscape restoration and innovative education projects. We are so grateful to their team for sharing their knowledge with the wider educational here in Dumfries and Galloway.”

We would like again to thank our funders Blackcraig Wind Farm Community Fund, administered by Foundation Scotland, and Galloway Glens Landscape Partnership.

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