Sustainable Rurality
Sustainability in our region
This project takes a knowledge management perspective as its starting point to support the development of the south of Scotland. It has for some time been recognised that the tacit and experiential knowledge in an organisation is part of its intellectual capital. Increasingly organisations are creating a role for knowledge management professionals who can bring that latent knowledge together with more explicit types of intellectual capital and make it accessible.
This project deploys a similar process to support the development of a sustainable south of Scotland, seeking to provide a web-based resource that shows what has already been funded to further sustainability in this region, what are the skills and capabilities that have been developed and what now needs to be provided to fill the gaps. This three-year project, led by Professor Mike Bonaventura and developed by Dr Liz Brooks at the Crichton Carbon Centre, is grounded in a bedrock of academic research on what makes for a sustainable rural region.